German Boys' Clothes: The NAZI Era--Pre-war (1933-39)

Figure 1.--Here is an interesting image of NAZI school children at some sort of rally or parade waving their swastika flags. Their teacher stands behind them. [HBC note: We would tend to think it was an older sister.] The children range in age from about 10 or 11 to 6. The picture is undated, but I believe it was taken in about 1937-38.

German boys still dressed realtively formally in the early 1930s. This seemed to have declined somewhat during the decade. Boys more common wore open-neck shirts. Shiller collars were still worn, but were declinh in popularity. We see fewer boys wearing suits, but they were still common. Many boys wore short pants suits into their early teens. A good example is a German teenager in 1933. Short pants were very common in Germany. Older teenagers might wear knickers or long pants. Most boys wore either knee socks or long stockings. Adolf Hitler was appointed German chancelor in March 1933. It took about a year for the NAZI's to consolidate their take over of the Government which was not fully possible until President Hindenburg died in 1934. The supression of Jews and other minorities was announced with the 1935 Nuremberg Laws. A major step in the NAZI program was to seize cintrol over youth groups. This began even before the death of Hindenberg. Groups like the Scouts were incoroprated into the Hitler Youth. This was largely accomplished in 1933, but Catholic groups were allowed to operate until 193?. Thus by about 1935 NAZI policies began to be seen in boys' clothing. HBC does not yet fully understand the extent of these changes. We have noted some trends. Sailor suits declined in popularity. We see fewer boys wearing suits. We suspect that the Hitler Youth program had an important impact on fashion trends. Boys except for the youngest stoped wearing sandals. Black shorts became popular as did white kneesocks for dressy outfits. We see fewer older boys wearing long stockings, perhaps because boys were discouraged from wearing them with the uniform.


A reader writes, "Here is an interesting image of NAZI school children at some sort of rally or parade waving their swastika flags. Their teacher stands behind them. [HBC note: We would tend tothink it was an older sister.] The children range in age from about 10 or 11 to 6. The picture is undated, but I believe it was taken in about 1937-38. I don't know the exact location. Interestingly the children all wear dark, apparently black, long stockings and high-top shoes. The boy on the left, the eldest of the children, seems to be dressed entirely in black except for his open-collared white shirt. He also seems to be wearing some sort of quasi-military jacket with some sort of external belt with a large metal buckle. Perhaps he wears the belt as an emblem of some sort of leadership role in his school and also to show his support of Hitler and the Third Reich. He is not wearing the traditional uniform of the Hitler Youth, but his clothing seems to have political overtones. It isn't entirely clear from the photograph, but there may be a shoulder strap that attaches to the waist like a garrison belt. Clearly he wears his belt over his jacket. There seems to be a metal buckle on the shoulder strap. Note the larte NAZI banner hanging in the background. "


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Created: September 22, 2003
Last updated: 10:41 PM 8/19/2007