German Long Stockings: Age--2 Year Olds

Figure 1.--Here in a 1929 portrait a little boy 2 years old wears long stockings like his big sister. He is dressed formally, but the liong stockings were probably more or warmth. You can tell this because the children seem to be wearing long underwear under the stockings, aslthough a reader disagrees. Click on the image for a fuller discussion.

The pattern for 2 years olds seem to be very similar as that for 1 year olds. Both boys and girls wore stockings at this age. We believe thast it was primarily for warmth and not for formality or modesty as as was the case for older children. Thus the use of long stockings for 2 year olds seems highky seasonal. Of course the tounger the child the more concern over keeping them warm in cold seather as tey are less capable of looking after themselves. We see large number of 2 yerar olds both wearing and not wearing lon stockings. Formality does not appear to be a great concern at this age. A consideration for these younger age groups is that they are not capable of dressing themselves. And long stockings were aore complicated item than socks.


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Created: 6:38 AM 6/14/2009
Last updated: 6:38 AM 6/14/2009