Japanese Religions: Shinto--Clothing

Figure 1.-- We note, however, note men with their sons wearing Western suits participatng in a Shinto religious ceremony. We are not sure just what is involved here.

Shinto priests wear traditional robes, although we have no information about them. We notice both whire an red robes and elongted black caps. We also see boys during festivals wearing what looks to be thecsame white and red robes. This is the case for many of the Shinto images we have arhived from Japan. We also note, however, note men with their sons wearing Western suits participatng in a Shinto religious ceremony. We are not sure just what is involved here. A reader explains, "Eventually the participants all put on ceremonial robes and loin cloths. The scene here is a kind of pre-event early in the morning where everyone recognizes each other before dressing in robes and loin cloths (fundoshi) for the actual Shinto ceremony."


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Created: 5:27 AM 2/28/2007
Last updated: 5:27 AM 2/28/2007