Qatari Boys' Activities: Adventure Camp

Figure 1.-- The Qatar International Adventure Camp is operated at an Inland Sea (Persiasn Gulf) beach camp. It is a family oriented camp. Many Qataries and Europeans expats enjoy the facilties at a great sandy beach. We note sand board surfing, ball games, swimming, camel rides, and sand castle building. The beach was sandy. The operaters seem permissive concerning European bathing suits.

The Qatar International Adventure Camp is operated ny a Qatar compsny at an Inland Sea (Persiasn Gulf) beach camp. The Arabs don't like calling it the Persian Gulf. (I'm not sure how the Iranisns view the term Arabian Sea. They Company does a number of tours to different places. The Inland sea essentially a large tidle lake. Its noted for its natural beauty but driving there across the desert without a guide can be dangerous. Many tourists have become lost. The camp is family oriented camp. Many Qataries and Europeans expats enjoy the facilties at a great sandy beach. We note and board surfing, ball games, swimming, camel rides, and sand castle building. The beach was sandy. The operaters seem permissive concerning European bathing suits.


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Created: 9:04 AM 3/20/2010
Last updated: 10:06 AM 3/20/2010