Qatari Boys' Garment Types

Figure 1.--Here is a picture of statuettes bought by tourists in Qatar showing the standard fashions for boys and men. It is almost a national uniform. Notice that the outfit for boys and men are the same.

Qatari boys wear both traditional and Western clothing. Clothing in Qatar was largely traditional even in mpdern times. To some extent this was the power of tradition in a deeply conservative society. Traditional dress is standard Arab garments. This reflects the origins of Qatrari citizens. We see both men and boys wearing a kind of white robe with a black and white haeadwear garment. Boys and men wear the same garment. We see similar outfits in other Guld states. Western clothes were not very common before World War II. With the development of the oil industry, we see more people wearing Western dress. Most boys now extensively wear Western dress. They often wear Western-style school uniforms and play clothes. We are not entirely sure why this is. Do boys prefer Western clothes? The fact that Western clothes are more utilitarian for activities seems to be a major factor. We see both styles being worn by men and boys. Western clothese seem nuch more common among men and boys than wonen and girls, especially women. Western clothes seem more common with boys than adult men. We are not entirely sure why this is.

Traditional Clothing

Clothing in Qatar was largely traditional even in mpdern times. To some extent this was the power of tradition in a deeply conservative society. Traditional dress is standard Arab garments. This reflects the origins of Qatrari citizens. We see both men and boys wearing a kind of white robe with a black and white haeadwear garment. Boys and men wear the same garment. We see similar outfits in other Guld states. We are not sure if there are destinctive features for Qatar or the other Gulf states. We do not know if any specificall Qatari garments. Another factor was the poverty of Arabia and Persian Gulf emirates. This did not begin to change until after World War II when the oil industry developed. The principal traditional garment is the 'thawb". It is essentially a white shirt, but a very long white shirt extending to the shoes. The head scarf is the 'kaffyeh'. The black cord is the 'igal'. Both white and Red checkered head scarfs are worn in Qatar, Kuwait but mainly checkered in Saudi Arabia.

Western Dress

Western clothes were not very common before World War II. With the development of the oil industry, we see more people wearing Western dress. Most boys now extensively wear Western dress. They often wear Western-style school uniforms and play clothes. We are not entirely sure why this is. Do boys prefer Western clothes? The fact that Western clothes are more utilitarian for activities seems to be a major factor. You can't very well play sports in traditional clothing. The Western dress we see are primarily school uniform itemsnd casual clothing, the same styles worn in America and Western Europe. When dressing up, traditional garments are more common.


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Created: 1:14 AM 4/18/2010
Last updated: 1:14 AM 4/18/2010