** United States boys clothes : chronology early 20th century hedwear

United States Boys' Clothes Chronology: Early 20th Century Headwear

Figure 3.--This boy, photographed with his sister, about 1900 wears a sailor cap that was only slightly smaller than the wide-brimmed sailor hat. Note the tassle on the cap and the long black stockings worn with a white sailor tunic.

We see some major changed in headwear during the early 20th century. The principal change sas a shift from hats to caps for boys. The wide-brimmed sailor cap popular in the late 19th Century continued to be worn with formal outfits for younger boys after the turn of the century. Increasingly popular in the new century, however, was a wide variety of sailor caps. Although many styles had no brims, many had elongated, flatened crowns which themselves could be quite large. We no longer see boys commonly wearing the rounded crown hats popular in rural areas. Some boys wore boaters and we see a felt hat that had an only slightly peaked crown. The major development was the increasing popularity of caps. There were everal styles, but gradually gthe flat cap emerged by the 1910s as the standard American boys' cap. The variety of cap styles observavle in the early 1900s was significantly narrowed by the 1910s.


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Created: 3:45 AM 1/30/2008
Last updated: 3:45 AM 1/30/2008