Scottish Preparatory Schools: Books

Figure 1.-- The childrens choice in reading material is quite elecic. This boy is enjoying an Agatha Cristie mystery. 

All modern prep schools encourage the children to read, both for scgool work and recreation. This is one of the many more academic approsaches of the modern prep school. The idea was to get the children to see reading as a pleasurable and rewarding activity. Here some schools were nore effective than others. Schools vary as to what they promote. Most schools discourage or even ban comic books. Magazines are generally allowed. Boys in particular enjoy magazines on cars and sports. The childrens choice in reading material is quite elecic. The younger children enjoy children's books such as those by Roald Rolland Dahl. We didn't note many boys reading classics like Treasure Iskand or The Three Muskateers. We doid see them reading mysteries and sceince fiction as well as non-fiction books om subjects of interest.


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