Scottish Preparatory Schools: British Countries

Figure 1.--Scotland is further north than the rest of Britain. And it can be wet and chilly even when the weather warms up in Englnd. This boy had covered up with his duvet during the rest period. Something we did not commonly see in England. . 

The United Kingdom is composed of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ulster. England is by far the largest country in terms of population. There was very little difference in the English and Scottish schools that we could see. The most obvious difference was that the Scottish schools included kilts as part of the school uniform. They used to be worn more commonly, but by the 1980s were worn as the dress uniform. The climate variation also makes for some differences. There are also boarding schools in Wales and Ulster. The Welsh schools are thecsame as the English schools in virtually all regards. There are only a few schools in Ulster. We also visited boarding schools in Australia and New Zealand. Both countries have education system very largely modeled on the British system. Since World War II they have shown more individuality, but the private schools still show a string British influence. that are essentially run as British schools, although again climate makes for some differences.


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