Scottish Preparatory Schools: Background

Figure 1.--As a result of Scotland's northerly location, it gets dark in the afternoon. These boys in October have just finished games in the afternoon and already it is dark as night. 

One complication unique to Scotland is the result of its northerly location. Britain as a whole is located at a high lattitude. London is located north of Newfoundland and Scxotland is located at about the same lattitude as Labrador. The climate as a result of the Gulf Stream is much milder than Canada, but the impact on day light is the same. This means that during the Summer days are very long. It gets light early and and stays light into the evening. And during the Fall and Winter it stays dark in the moning and gets dark in the afternoon. This affects the operation of the school, especially boarding schools. Outdoor activities are more limited in the afternoon during the winter. And during the summer it is still light when the children go to bed. Schools adjust the scjedules toi some extent and of course the Scottish children are used to it, but still day light does have an impact that the schools must deal with in one way or another.


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