Scottish Preparatory Schools: Rest Period

Figure 1.--Morning break is a great time to let off a little steam and rough-house with friends.  

Morning break is the term for recess at most prep schools, both schools in England and Scotland. Normally it is about 11:00 am and weather permitting it is a time frentic activity for about 15-20 minutes. It is a time of the school day that the children all look forward to as the morning progresses. The children have spent the morning in their classrooms and this is a time to let off a little steam. Normally the boys choose a variety of active games. Girls often persue more sedate activities during the break. Here the popular games depend on the school and the age level. The younger boys may head for the playground. Many schools have suitable platground equipment. Older boys may choose a variety of active games. Some but not all all are sports related. Cricket batting using a tennis ball is popular. Various tag and a kind of dodgeball game are also popular. Some schools offer a little snack.


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