Scottish Preparatory Schools: Rest Period

Figure 1.--At this Scottish boarding schoo, the boys were expected to spend the rest period on their bunks and not talk with the other boys. Many used the restperiod to catch up with their reading.  

The children at day schools have free time after lunch. They use it variously to relax or play games and sports, depending on the age group. The children at boarding schools have a rest period. This is the same as in England. The children for about 20-30 minutes return to their dormitories. Here the rules vary from school to school. At many schools, the children are expected to be on their bunks and not even talk with each other. They do not have to lie down or actually go to sleep. Some of the younger children often did dose off. Many other children use the time to read books and magazines. Here the reading material is quite varied. At other schools the rules are more lax. At one school the boys in a dorm were allowed to play board games on the floor as long as they were quiet. Overall it was a good opportunity to visit with the children and here their thoughts about the different schools. One common exception to laying on their bunks at many schools was that the children were allowed to use the time to practice the musicak instruments that they were learning. The problem here was finding a suitable place.


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