New Style Cabinet Card Mounts: Chronology--The 1910s

Figure 1.-- We note a school portrait done for the Westwood School in Cincinati Ohio (1916-17) done on a grey mount. Note the accent lines. This was one of the sttyles of cabinet cards popular in the 1910s. Click on the image for more about the school.

We also note some of the cabinet cards that appeared at the turn of the 20th century and became popular in the 1900s being done in the 1910s. Unlike the 1900s, we no longer see the old style cabinet cards. Our initial assessment is that cabinet cards were not very common by the 1910s, but they also were not rare. The 1910s is notable for the variety of photographic images. we do see some cabinet cards. We also see portraits with paper frames. And sonme portraits were done with postcard backs. The cabinet cards we have found are all the new style of cards. We are still assessing the prevalenc in the photographic record. We see many more portraits done with postcard backs. This format without a mat was less expensive. We are still asssessing the presentation of these cabinet cards. The limited number we have found makes the assessment difficult. The cabinet cards were doone in different sizes. We note different styles of mats. We note cabinet cards with the image area acented with lines of various widths. We note a school portrait done for the Westwood School in Cincinati Ohio (1916-17) done on a grey mount. We also note cabibnet card mats done with molded frames. We are not entirely sure about the type of photographic images. The standard 19th century cabinet card was done with albumen prints. We are not yet sure about the 1910s cabinet cards.


The cabinet card was the most popular photographic format in America during the late-19th century. This changed with the turn-of-the 20th century. We still see them in the 1900s, but they no longer dominated the photographic scene. Our initial assessment is that cabinet cards were not very common by the 1910s, but they also were not rare.


The 1910s is notable for the variety of photographic images. we do see some cabinet cards. We also see portraits with paper frames. And sonme portraits were done with postcard backs. This was very common, especially for familiy snapshots. The Kodak Brownie revolutuiionized photography (1900). We also see studio portraits done with the postcard backs. We are still assessing the prevalence in the photographic record. We see many more portraits done with postcard backs. This format without a mat was less expensive. We are still asssessing the presentation of these cabinet cards. The limited number of examples we have archived makes the assessment difficult at this time.


We also note some of the cabinet cards that appeared at the turn of the 20th century and became popular in the 1900s being done in the 1910s. Unlike the 1900s, we no longer see the old style cabinet cards. The cabinet cards we have found are all the new style of cards. We note different styles of mats. There appear to have been two different types of cabinent cards prevalent during the 1910s: accent lines and molded frames. We note cabinet cards with the image area acented with lines of various widths. We note a school portrait done for the Westwood School in Cincinati Ohio (1916-17) done on a grey mount (figure 1). We also note cabibnet card mats done with molded frames. We see the molded frmes done in various styles abnd colors. We think that they were the most common style of cabionet cards done during tbhe 1910s. This is, however, just our preliminary assessnment.


The cabinet cards were done in different sizes. The sizes are not as varied as we see at the turn-of-th 20th century. We do not see the smaller size cabinet cards. We do see various large sizes.

Image Process

We are not entirely sure about the type of photographic images. The standard 19th century cabinet card was done with albumen prints. We are not yet sure about the 1910s cabinet cards.


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Created: 4:18 PM 6/12/2010
Last updated: 2:05 AM 7/17/2011