New Style Cabinet Card Mounts: Chronology--The 1910s

Figure 1.-- Here we see one of the elboately styled cabinet cards that we find in the 1930s. This is a Detroit First Communion pair in 1932.

The 1930s is the last decade that we see cabinet cards. We see a few in the early 30s. The ones we see have elaborate decoration and or framing. The framing was done both with colors and impressed designs. Some were done more as frames with back stands. We do not see any after 1935, although there mat hve been a few. They were done in sizes larger than the classic cabinet card. The ones we have noted are 6.5 x 9.5 in. They sem to have been popular for formal portraits sych as First Communions, although we have only a few examples with hich to begin our assessment. We see different colors being used in the designs and framing. Get and brown seem to be the predominant colors.


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Created: 4:18 PM 6/12/2010
Last updated: 2:05 AM 7/17/2011