English School Uniform: Individual School -- Dragon School

Figure 1.-- The Dragon school has not been operated with the formality of scome prep chools. The boys wore a comfortable and practical corduroy uniform. The school is now coeducational.

One of the best known preparatory schools in England is the Dragon school. As the idea that special arrangements should be made for younger boys, a group of Oxford dons founded the Dragon School in 1877. It was initially called the Oxford Preparatory School. After the school began operating, the boys suggested calling themselves Dragons in honor of course of St George and the dragons he slew. It was increasingly common to educate younger boys in separate smaller schools designed to prepare boys for public schools. After founding the school was moved to its current location on the northern side of Oxford University. The Lynam family operated the Dragon school, helping to build its formidable reputation. Skipper Lynam (headmaster 1886-1920) and his younger brother Hum (1920-42) were in many ways educational pioneers. They believed that children should enjoy school and be encouraged to be independent. That was rather an unconventioinal attitude in the late 19th and early 20th century. (Some educators argue today that educators have taken this approach to far, instilling the iudea that all learning has to be fun.) Joc Lynam (1942-65) continued the founding traditions. One such tradition was a weekly prep learning poetry and prose as well as a continuing pursuit of debate. The school also has a tradition of involving the boys in making the school rules. Since 1965 Dragon has been operated as a charitable trust dedicated to providing all that is best in education. It is administered by a governing body. The Dragon school has not been operated with the formality of some prep schools. The boys wore a comfortable and practical corduroy uniform. The school is now coeducational.


Houghton, Robin. The Dragon School, e-mail message, November 27, 2003.


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Created: October 17, 2003
Last updated: October 28, 2003