Boys' Striped Long Stockings: Chronology

Figure 1.--This boy wears a velvet suit with lonf striped stockings. We are not sure about the color of the suit or the stockings. Notice his sash. All we know about this boy is that he was fron Syracuse, New York. The portrait is undated, but we would guess was taken in the 1870s. Note his top hat on the table. (Also notice the wide black ribbon by the hat. Is that a streamer?)

We especially notice striped long stockings in the 1870s. This is primarily becuse of the prevalence n America, we are not entirekly sure about Europe yet, but suspect the chronolohy was similar. Our European chronologiues are not as large, espcially for the 19th century. This reflects the fact thar phoytography took off in Anerica much daster than in Eurip, ven houhgh photogrphy was invdnted in Europe. There are countless examples in the photograph record. The vast majority are American. This suggests to us that that these striped stockings were more popular in America than anywhere else. Of course our American archive is much larger than in any other country. So that has to be taken into consideration. But we see these sripped stockings being worn in many European countries, especially in England. It was an exceeding popular style. A good example is an unidentified American boy which we think was taken in the 1870s. An American boy, 3-yeatr old Andrew Richardson, wears boldly striped long stockings in 1875. We note a 9-year old American boy wearng striped stockings in 1878 with a collar-buttoning suit and long knee pants. The stripes were very narrow.


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Created: 1:57 AM 4/18/2006
Last updated: 6:31 PM 12/5/2012