American 1950s Boys' Hair Styles: Style Charts

Figure 1.--Barber shops might has a posterr or chart with depictions of the popular styles at the time. I think this was still fairly common ast the time. I vagely recall seeing some of these charts. We notice publications by the AMBB with illustrations and instructions for the barber. Here we see the "Junior Regular' from a 1958 publication.

Barber shops might has a posterr or chart with depictions of the popular styles at the time. I think this was still fairly common ast the time. I vagely recall seeing some of these charts. We notice publications by the AMBB with illustrations and instructions for the barber. Here we see the "Junior Regular' from a 1958 publication. (figure 1).


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Created: 3:43 AM 7/10/2010
Last edited: 3:43 AM 7/10/2010