French Sailor Suit Chronology: Late Victorian Era--The 1880s

Figure 1.--

Sailor suits continued to increase in popularity during the 1880s. And we see them being worn by a wider range od society. The complicated styling popular in the 1870s continue into the early-80s, although we begin to see increasing common features. We begin to see more suits with V-fronts which was becoming the standard feature in most sailor suits. And the suits increasingly began to look somewhat like French sailor uniforms, although actual uniforms were far more simple than the sailor suits we see boys wearing. We do not yet have a detailed history of the evolution of French navluniforms. During the Napoleonic era, uniforms in the French and other navies were informal for enlisted personnel. But by the 1880s French naval uniforms were standardized. We see this in the Paul Jazet painting of the cruiser (cuirassé) Vauban. The boys on the previous page have V-fronts suits, but their outfits are much fancier than actual uniforms. The boys' suits here are less complicated than the suits we see in the 1870s and more like the basic stling like the uniforms actually worn. Notice the striped dickies, they are simolar the dickies worn by French sailors. The pants in early suits might also have detailing matching or coordinated with the blouse. This was something you sid not see on sailor uniforns, except the dress uniforms worn by officers.


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Created: 7:11 AM 8/14/2014
Last updated: 7:11 AM 8/14/2014