Canadian Gurls' Dresses and Leggings (1946)

Figure 1.--Here is a group of little girls 5 to 7 years old attending a course in Montreal for developping skills in drama. It is conducted at a school operated by Madame Jean-Louis Audet (1890-1970) who was devoted to teaching children about drama in the French language. Note the ladies' hats. The potograph was taken in 1946 by Conrad Poirier. Note that even in the late Fall, that most of the children are dressed more as id it was summer, rather like little Shirley Temple wearing short skirts and ankle socks. To protect against cold weather, children wore long leather gaiters for oudoors. You can see two girls still wearing them at right. Source: Bibliothòèque et Archives nationales de Quebec.

Here is a group of little girls 5 to 7 years old attending a course in Montreal for developping skills in drama. It is conducted at a school operated by Madame Jean-Louis Audet (1890-1970) who was devoted to teaching children about drama in the French language. The image illustrates several fashion trends. Note the ladies' hats. The potograph was taken in 1946 by Conrad Poirier. Note that even in the late Fall, that most of the children are dressed more as id it was summer, rather like little Shirley Temple wearing short skirts and ankle socks. To protect against cold weather, children wore long leather gaiters for oudoors. You can see two girls still wearing them at right.

Hair Styles

Several girls have their hair done in ringlet curls. Hair bows also seem popular.


Note that even in the late Fall, that most of the children are dressed more as id it was summer, rather like little Shirley Temple wearing short skirts. Interestingly, almost all the dresses are pastel colors, looking rather like Spring. The styles seem similar with smocked fronts and baloon sleaves. There also would have been waistband ties at the back.


Almost all of the girls wear white ankle socks, rather than kneesocks, despite the cold weather. One girl wears beige long stocks with dark kneesocks for extra warmth. We have noted Canadian girls wearing kneesocks, but when dressing up, ankle socks were more common..


To protect against cold weather, children wore long leather leggings (gaiters) for oudoors. You can see two girls still wearing them at right. Its not clear why they haven't taken their leggings off. Presumably some of the other girls wore leggings, but have taken them off. Perhaps the two girls at rightvarrived late.


The girls are wearing eith white, high-top juniorvshoes or vartious types of strap shoes.


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Created: 4:27 AM 10/11/2006
Last updated: 4:28 AM 10/11/2006