** Russian boys clothes -- play types

Russian Boys' Clothes: Play Activitity Types--Games

Figure 1.--This snapshot looks like boys playing war, notice the mostly military headwear and ninoculars. We thought it bmight be a school dress up playground scene whuch us a possibility, but it does not look like a schoold in the background and the boys are not wearing a school uniform. Despite all the military headwear, there are no toy guns and instead we see balls.

We do not yet have much information on many on the games played by Russian children. As far as we know, Russian children played many of the same games as those played in Europe, espcially northern Europe. Presumably there were some destinctive Russian games, although we are not yet familar with them. We suspect that a popular game in Russia was war. Role playing games like war (cops and robbers, and cowboys and indians) are popular with boys around the war, although in recent years mothers in particular and to discourage them an children's activiies are more organized than they once were. We suspect that Russian boys also played war, espcially after World War II given the importance of the War in the national ethos. In the schools, teachers promoted coopertive ply with the youngrr children -- as part of the effort to create the new Soviet man. To what affect this affected unsupevised play, we are not sure. We notice some photographs that suggest that the boys are plying war, alyhough we do not see toy wepons. We are not even sure that the Soviet toy industry produced toy guns which used to be a mainstay of boys' toys in the West. For those who ma think that the Soviets and America noms have chanhed the dundamental nature of boys, just look at the videongames that they choose to play.


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Created: 2:22 AM 4/18/20204
Last updated: 2:23 AM 4/18/2020