Swiss Catalogs: Headwear (Winter, 1947)

Figure 1.-- We notice both berets and flat caps in the Jemoli Winter catalog. The berets were for boys 2-15 years of age. The flat caps were done in sizes 50-56 cm.

We notice both berets and flat caps in the Jemoli Winter catalog. The berets were for boys 2-15 years of age. The flat caps were done in sizes 50-56 cm. We also note children wearing ski cap during the Winter. Jelmoli offered a ski cap with a long string and tassel.


We notice berets in the Jemoli Winter catalog. The berets were for boys 2-15 years of age. Most of the photographs we have seen show ptr-teen boys wearing them. The ad copy read, "Praktisches Beret aus gutem dunkelblauem Wollfilz; kann in Hosen-oder Manteltasche bequem versorgt werden. Fure 2-15 Jaehrige. Bitte Alter angeben. No. 3024,066 Fr.3.50." This translates in part, "Practical beret (made) of good, dark-blue woollen felt. Can be accommodated easily in trousers- or coat pockets. For 2-15 year olds. Please mention age." We note boys in both the French and German speaking cantons wearing berets.

Flat Cap--Buesi Muetze

We notice flat caps in the Jemoli Winter catalog. The flat caps were done in sizes 50-56 cm. The ad copy read, "Eine schneidige Knabenkopfbedeckung fuer Knaben ist immer wieder die bewaehrte Buesi Muetze in schmissiger Form; Grossen 50-56. dunkelblau No 3024,047, braun No.3024,048. Fr.3.9." This translates as, "A dashing headgear for boys is repeatedly the reliable Buesi cap in a zippy design. Sizes 50-56. dark-blue # 3024,047, brown #3024,048. Francs 3.9." This appears to be the most popular cap style for older boys.


We note children wearing ski cap during the Winter. Jelmoli offered a ski cap with a long string and tassel. W believe these ski caps were very commonly worn. The ad copy read, "Schneidige Zottelmuetze aus kraefitger Wolle; dunkelblau mit weisser Borte, fur 2 – 15 jaehrige. No 3024,079 Fr.3.50. Bitte alter angeben." This means that they were for children 2-15 years of age. The illustration shows a now wearing the cap. I think, however, that girls also wore them.


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Created: 10:10 PM 7/6/2006
Last updated: 10:10 PM 7/6/2006