Cooper, Wells & Co. manufactured Iron Clad long stockings. A 1907 Iron Clad ad appeared in The Youth's Companion (January 31, 1907, p. 59). Long stockings were commonly worn by American boys. Younger boy might wear socks in the Summer and many boys went barefoot. Black long stockings, however, were the dominant type of hosiery for boys. The ad copy read, "A Perfect Stocking for Boys. Strong enough for roughest wear! No. 19 for boys is the famous stocking that saves mothers hours of darning. It has
no equal at any price, yet it is only 25 c a pair. Leg, heel and toe are all triple knit, and every strand of yarn is "extra twisted"--double wearing power added to neat appearance. If you can't get them from your dealer send us 25 c. a pair for as many pairs as you want, stating size of stocking or shoe, and
they will come to you post-paid. Cooper, Wells & Co., 300 Broad Street, St. Joseph, Mich."
Cooper, Wells & Co. manufactured Iron Clad long stockings. We know nothing about the company, other than Iron Clad was its brand and that they were locatedin St. Joseph, Michigan. We notice a similar Iron Clad ad in 1904.
A 1907 Iron Clad ad appeared in The Youth's Companion (January 31, 1907, p. 59). Note that it was placed during the Winter The publication described itself as "An Illustrated Weekly Paper For Young People and the Family." It was established in 1827. The magazine was published in Boston, Massachusetts, by the Perry Mason Company, 201 Columbus Avenue. It appeared under this title until 1929. It was in the late 19th century one of the most popular weekly periodicals in America and known for the quality of the writing. The magazine catered to teen-age boys and girls especially, containing articles on sports, on hobbies, and on various literary and cultural interests. But it was really a family magazine and had many advertisements for clothing, both adult and children's. The magagazine had a very strict policy about the advertising carried because its readers were mostly children.
Long stockings were commonly worn by American boys. Younger boys ,ight wear socks in the Summer and many boys went barefoot. Black long stockings, however, were the dominant type of hosiery for boys. They were almost universally worn during the nter,but were even common in the Summer as well. Younger boys might wear white long stockings when dressing up.
The ad here shows Iron Clad long stockings being worn with kneepants. The ad copy read, "A Perfect Stocking for Boys. Strong enough for roughest wear! No. 19 for boys is the famous stocking that saves mothers hours of darning. It has
no equal at any price, yet it is only 25 c a pair. Leg, heel and toe are all triple knit, and every strand of yarn is "extra twisted"--double wearing power added to neat appearance. If you can't get them from your dealer send us 25 c. a pair for as many pairs as you want, stating size of stocking or shoe, and
they will come to you post-paid. Cooper, Wells & Co., 300 Broad Street, St. Joseph, Mich." Th ad does not mention color, but the stockings here are clearly black.
Long stockings were worn by both boys and girls. Black was the most common color for boys, but also very commonly worn by girls as well. Girls also wore white stockings, especially when dressing up. Younger boys night wear white long stockings as well, especially for formal occassions. Most boys, however, primarily wore black stockings.
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