Figure 1.--The principal uniform item worn in competitive wrestling is the singlet. These destinctively styled singlets are indicidual or champsionship styles. |
The principal uniform item is the singlet. Boys have both team singets and individual or custom singlets. Singlets used to be simply styled in normally one color. We now notice quite elaborate singlets, even in destinctive patterns. Tights are also sometimes worn. Other items include warm-up gear and equipment such as shoes, earguard, and kneepads. A variery of waem-upo clothes are also popular with weestlers.
Boys wore destinctive garments for wrestling called singlets. Boys on school wrestling teams wear matching plain-colored uniform singlets. The wrestling singlet is similar to ones used for gymnastics, or any sport that requires an outfit that is totally free of any article of clothing that might be grabbed by an opponant to their advantage, or snagged by the wearer. Most boys especially interested to wrestling don't give it a second thought, but some boys didn't liked the idea of wearing one. The color of the singlet of course reflects the boy's team or school. Boys involved in individual competition might wear more destinctive individually styled or custom singlets. The modern singlet is commonly made of nylon and lycra. Most wear only their singlet for competions, even while waiting to
compete (especially when the environment is warm). A few boys add tights.
Some would wear some sort of loose fitting outer clothes, called "warmup gear" to wear till they are actually ready to compete. Quite a variety of warm-up gear is worn. In many cases garments from other sorts are asdopted by the wrestlers. This includes the ubiqutous baseball cap, even though wrestling matches are always held indoors because mats are used. The baseball cap in the 1990s has become the headgear of choice for athletes in a wide range of sports, before and after competing.
Some boys wear tights as part of their wrestling gear. This was especially common in the 19th century. Tights in modern wrestling seem more common in Europe than America. They are worn under the singlet. The action in a wrestling match can be fast and furious. This makes for a lot of body heat. One would think that these tights would be rather hot. Some boys, however prefer them, perhaps because they offer some protection from bat burn and skin injuries. Boys wearing tights under their singlet are a small minority. The tights worn by boys for wrestling are mostlty lycra tights, most commonly black tights.
Most boys at the beginning levels of werestling wear their own sneakers. At higher levels of competition they have wrestling shoes which now come in brght colors.
A variety of protectice equipment can be wrn in matches. Ear guards and knee pads are the most common.
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