Ohio Boy: Breaching Clothes

Figure 1.--This child ws photographed in Findlay, Ohio, probably in the early 1900s. We believe the child is a boy, although there is nothing about the clothes here to indicate that.

A HBC reader has fowarded two images to us of what we believe may be the same boy, although the connection is not as obvious as in some images. All we are really sure is that the portraits were taken by the same studio photographer in Findlay, Ohio. The images are undated, but we would guess were taken in the early 1900s. We will tentatively archive these images here, but will be interested in reader comments.


A HBC reader has fowarded two images to us of what we believe may be the same boy, although the connection is not as obvious as in some images. The portraits were not done at the same time, but there does not seem to be more than a year difference between the two sittings. This child was photographed in Findlay, Ohio, probably in the early 1900s. We believe the child is a boy, although there is nothing about the clothes here to indicate that (figure 1). The second image is clearly a boy, although we are not entirely positive that it is the same child. Our contributor writes, "I think the two portraits are of the same child. Both pictures were part of the same E-bay sale. The seller thought it was the same 'girl'. They look the same to me. The hair is the same length, color, and styled the same way. I guess it could be a brother and sister. You decide!" I am just not sure, the two images don't immediately snap out as indentical, but there are definitely strong similarities..


All we are really sure is that the portraits were taken by the same studio photographer in Findlay, Ohio.


The images are undated, but we would guess were taken in the early 1900s.


We have two images which we think are the same boy. A HBC contributer writes, "Here is a breeching image I came across but did not bid on. He looks to be about 5 when breeched. His hair is still uncut in the after photo, but is not as well groomed."

First image

We are not possitive what the child here is wearing. It looks like a plain white dress with embroidery and a kind of polkadot jumper worn over it. The child has long hair which looks to be natuarally curly rather than done in ringlets. The child also wears a necklace.

Second image

The child in the second image is definitely a boy. It is not all that to tell, but notice the cap on the table by the child. The child wear a hevy winter coat. I'm not sure what kind of collar is involved here. It is clearly a boy's cap. A girl would never wear such a cap. The child also wears leather leggings. These were worn by both boys and girls, including boys that that had been breeched.


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Created: January 3, 2004
Last updated: January 3, 2004