Artists Illustrating Boys' Fashions: John G. Brown --Clothing Depicted

Figure 1.--I'm not sure what the title of this John G. Brown painting was. Both boys wear kneepants and long stockings. Notice the patches on the red long stockings.

Boys in Brown's paintings are shown wearing a variety of clothing. A variety of caps are common. Most of the boys he painted were done in ordinary clothes, rather plain clothes. Even though he painted during Fauntleroy craze in which boys wore a variety of often very fancy clothes, we see little of this. Indeed Brown's subjects, especially the boys rarely wear elegant clothing. Their clothes are often well-worn even ragety clothes. Not infrequently there are patches on the boys' clothes. Clothes were well-worn in the 19th century, unlss a child was from a wealthy family. Boys by the 1870s were commonly commonly kneepants and long stockings and most of Brown's boys are shown in kneepants. Many boys wear suspenders. One lovely portrait was of a "Miss. Gibson," a little girl in her best white party dress and hair ribbon.We do not know if also painted portraits of boys in their party clothes. Normally the boys were shown at work or play rather than done up for a party.


Most of the boys he painted were done in ordinary clothes, rather plain clothes. Even though he painted during Fauntleroy craze in which boys wore a variety of often very fancy clothes, we see little of this. Indeed Brown's subjects, especially the boys rarely wear elegant clothing. Their clothes are often well-worn even ragety clothes. Not infrequently there are patches on the boys' clothes. Clothes were well-worn in the 19th century, unlss a child was from a wealthy family.


Boys in Brown's paintings are shown wearing a variety of clothing.


A variety of caps are common.


Many of Browmn's boys are depicting wearng shirts with collars, rather than shirts waists with detachablke colllars. The shirts are always long sleeved.


Many boys wear suspenders.


Boys by the 1870s were commonly commonly kneepants and long stockings and most of Brown's boys are shown in kneepants. A few boys wear long panbts, but most wear kneepants.


Most boys are shown wearing long stockings wih kneepants. They are often black or brown, but we see some boys weaing red long stockings as well. Some of the boys wore long stockings that were patched. It was not as necessary to patch kneepants as long pants as the knees are the parts of pants that often wear out for boys. In the same way, the knees of long stockings got a great deal of wear.

Party clothes

One lovely portrait was of a "Miss. Gibson," a little girl in her best white party dress and hair ribbon.We do not know if also painted portraits of boys in their party clothes. Normally the boys were shown at work or play rather than done up for a party.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: May 13, 2002
Last updated: May 13, 2002