French Weddings: Chronology

Figure 1.--This is an unidentified wedding portrait. We think it is probanly French because of the way the boys are dressed. It was pribably taken in the late-1950s or early 60s. It is a formal wedding, but not a society wedding. Notice the boys are dessed firmally with white gloves, but not identically.

We have only begun to collect informatiin on French weddings and our chronological information is still very limited. We have no wedding images at all from the 19th century yet. Photography was still primarily studio portraits and we do not see many wedding portraits taken in the studios. The same is true of other countries as well. This changed in the 20th century. We begin to see images ofcFrench weddings in the photographic record. With the new mobility and simplicity of photography, it was possible to take actual wedding portraits. And as the century progresses we see more and more wedding photographs. After World War II it became common to hire a photographer to take all sorts of photographs, not only at the wedding ceremony itself, but all of the activities following the wedding. We do not have a lot of information about modern trends in France, but as we begin to archive some images and we should be able to develop some basic information as our archive expands.


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Created: 9:47 PM 2/20/2012
Last updated: 9:47 PM 2/20/2012