French Garçon Modèle: Daniel--Our Family

Figure 1.-- Here we all all our in April 1953. Bernard has just arrived and the family is now complee. I am waring bain de soleil rompers rather than the classic barboruse romper suits I often wore. Notice andré's knickers--just like Tintin.

I have an older brother named André born in 1939 and a younger named Bernard born in 1952. I am the middle brother born October 5, 1947. There is a difference of 8 years between me and Bernard. This is because my father was prisoner of war in Germany for 5 years during World War II (1940-45). After the fall of France (1940), the NAZIs interned practically the entire French Army in Germany. They did not return homev until the Allies crossed the Rhine amd liberated the POW camps (1945). Here we all all our in April 1953. Bernard has just arrived and the family is now complee. I am waring bain de soleil rompers with a bib front rather than the classic barboruse romper suits I often wore. There were also rompers without the bin and just straps. I don't think I hsad those. Notice andré's knickers--just like Tintin. I am 4 and half years old. It was made in Boussac material. This sort of romper was buttoned at each side of the waist and could have two little pockets. It also buttoned at the croch. One slips on by the legs. This model was made in side 45 to 55, that means for boys 2-5 years old. We were a very close not loving family. Our mother was wonderful. A little boy could not want more loving mother. My little brother and I were closer in age. Even we three boys got on well together. André was to much older tham me to play togeher like Bernrd and I did. I remember him, however, as being very gentle and protective. This is not always the case with older brothers.


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Counter set: 11:45 PM 12/21/2009
Last updated: 8:49 PM 12/22/2009