Daniel: Hair Styles

Figure 1.--Here I am with my little bother about 1951 0r 52. We both have long hair, but mine is a little shorter than by brother. I am wearing a bib-front outfit at a carnival. I am not sure if they are bib-front shorts or rompers.

Daniel as a little boy before he entered school had long hair. Mother did it in various styles, but as soon as his hair grew, mother had me wear my hair long. It is longer than most boys, but it was seen as quite stylish at the time by most French mothers. Every day I wore hair-barrette, the same the girls had. Moter also had my little brother wear his hair long and dressed him in rompers like mine. Our hair was not dine identically, but simarly. You could tell we were boys, however because we wore rompers. Girls at the time wore dresses.


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Counter set: 11:45 PM 12/21/2009
Last updated: 8:49 PM 12/22/2009