French Family Portrait (1951)

Figure 1.-- Here we have a formal portrait of a French family. We know virtually nothing about the family at this time. The small size of the family is notable. The parents are dressed casually. Their little boy Michele who is 4 years old is dressed in a classic romper suit with with baloon sleeves. The suits also had back tieing bows, but you can't see it in the portrait. Michel's romper suit looks to be a patterened one.

Here we have a formal portrait of a French family. We know virtually nothing about the family at this time. The small size of the family is notable. The parents are dressed casually. Their little boy Michele who is 4 years old is dressed in a classic romper suit with with baloon sleeves. The suits also had back tieing bows, but you can't see it in the portrait. Michel's romper suit looks to be a patterened one. Romper suits like these were popular in Frace into the 1960s. They were only worn by boys, motly but not entirely pre-school boys.


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Counter set: 6:44 PM 7/26/2005
Last updated: 4:53 AM 3/27/2016