Claude and Jean: Garden Scene (1931)

Figure 1.-- Here we have a garden scene taken about 1931. This looks to be the back garden of their home. Claude is playing in the garden with his little brother.

Here we have a garden scene taken about 1931. This looks to be the back garden of their home. We note that Jean was wearing a similar outfit to the boy in the postcard, not without a fancy blouse and shoes. It was his ordinary clothes for the day. He wore sandalettes with light-colored kneesocks. Claude wore a wool knit suit. These knit suits were very popular until 1950s for little boys. Notice he wore also white training shoes called " babyfoot ". These shoes were considered to be good for a growing toddler's feet. Claude' socks were probably knitten by an elderly aunt or grandmother, but could have been purchased in the store.


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Created: 8:11 PM 2/22/2006
Last updated: 8:12 PM 2/22/2006