German Boys Clothes: Bordin family (1900s)

Figure 1.-- Here we see the Bordin family in the 1900s. The boy on the right (about 7 years old) is wearing an interesting striped sailor suit. The dicky under the middy blouse seems a bit unusual. All three of the children, girls and boys, wear the traditional black stockings and hightop shoes. The family seems prosperous. The father un particular is dressed very elegantly. I don't know any of the individual names--only the family.

Here we see the Bordin family in the 1900s. The boy on the right (about 7 years old) is wearing an interesting striped sailor suit. The dicky under the middy blouse seems a bit unusual. All three of the children, girls and boys, wear the traditional black stockings and hightop shoes. The family seems prosperous. The father un particular is dressed very elegantly. I don't know any of the individual names--only the family.


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Created: 9:10 PM 4/30/2007
Last updated: 9:10 PM 4/30/2007