Milsan Underwear (United States, 1953)

Figure 1.--Simplicity in 1953 offered coordinated brother-sister patterns for sunsuits. The tops matched, but the bottoms differed. They were made with the same material and trim. This prticular pttern was made in size 2.

Here we se underwear manufactured by Milsan. It is marketed under the "Rockey" brand, presumably to give it a tough image. It is not a company we know much about. Two styles of boys’ underwear. Both boys wear white cotton briefs, but the boy on the left wears a sleeveless knit undershirt whereas the boy on the left wears a t-shirt. The color is standard white. The ad was placed by the company marketing the garments--J.J. Newberry. I'm not sure what kind of store that was. It appears to be a chain store. The ad appeared in Good Housekeeping Magazine and can be determined by the Good Housekeeping seal which can be seen in the advertisement.


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Created: 5:56 PM 10/15/2004
Last updated: 5:56 PM 10/15/2004