*** English school uniform: individual schools -- Froebelian School

Individual English Schools--Froebelian Schools

Froebelian school
Figure 1.--The caption to this school photogeaph read, "Percussion band (Frobelian School). First prize. Winners Westmoreland Festival, 1951". The children wear a basic grey uniform. The boys wear ties jumpers (sweaters), short pats, anf knee socks. The girls wear ties, blouses, gym slios or skirts , and socks, Many state primaries adopted uniforms like this, but we belive this was not very common yet in the early-50s. Uniforms like this were common in state primaries by the 1960s.

Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) was a major German humanist educator. His certral idea was the idea of 'self-activity' and play as learming experiences. Hev believedtht a teacher should not drill or indoctrinate. imstead should encourage self-expression through play, both individually and in group activities. He was laargely responsible for the Kindfergsarten mpovement which the Prussian Government initially banned, because his brother was a prominent socialist. The Baroness of Marenholtz-Bülow, was an ethuistic advocaste of Froebel's ideas. It was she and not Froebel that carried Froebel's ideas outsiude Germany. Here we see a group of younger children fron the Froebelian School in 1951. The dealer tells us thatb that the school was in Kendal, Cumbria. There was also a Frobelian School in Leeds, West, Yorkshire. Both Kendall and Leeds, West Yorkshire. These are northern areas of northern England. The schools were influened by educational approaches developed by the German educator, Freidrich Froebel. He was particularly interested in early childhood education.

Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852)

Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852) was a major German humanist educator. His certral idea was the idea of 'self-activity' and play as learming experiences. He believedtht a teacher should not drill or indoctrinate. imstead should encourage self-expression through play, both individually and in group activities. Froebel opened the Anstalt für Kleinkinderpflege [Institute for the fostering of young children] in Thuringia (1837). He renamed it va Kindergarten (1840). He was laargely responsible for the Kindfergsarten movement which the Prussian Government initially banned, because his brother was a prominent socialist. The Baroness of Marenholtz-Bülow, was an ethuistic advocaste of Froebel's ideas. It was she and not Froebel that carried Froebel's ideas outsiude Germany. She carried his ideas to England, France, and the Netherlands. Several schools were established in England. Later they were reached many other countries, especially the United States wherethey were spcially influential. ohn Dewey adopted Froebel’s principles in his experimental school at the University of Chicago. Kindergartens were set up in Europe and America. They became a standard educational institution for younger children, normlly 4-6yearsold). In most countrirs, children begin primry school at about 6 years of age.

Individual English School

Kendal (1951)

Here we see a group of younger children fron the Kendal Froebelian School in 1951 (figurev1). The dealer tells us that the school was in Kendal, Cumbria. The school was established in 1945 at the end of World War II on Greenside. It was run by Miss Mann who is still remembered in the town as a somewhat old fashioned 'governess' style of teacher. [Underhill] Here we see a musical group, the school's percussion band. They were entrants to the Westmorland/Mary Wakefield Music Festival. All entrants had to be residents of the county of Westmorland and since the demise of the county within 15 miles of Kendal. They won first prize at the Westmoreland Festival in 1951. The children wear a basic grey uniform. The boys wear ties jumpers (sweaters), short pants, anf knee socks. The girls wear ties, blouses, gym slios or skirts , and socks, Many state primaries adopted uniforms like this, but we belive this was not very common yet in the early-50s. Uniforms like this were common in state primaries by the 1960s. We believe that the choice was up to each school. A reader tells us, "Speaking to older residents the uniform seems to have been pale blue and navy with navy felt hats." [Underhill]


The Leeds Froebelian School was founded by Miss L. Hoe (1913). We are not sure at what age the school began with at first, but the school now takes children 3-10 years of age and thy leave at at age 11. This of course was when the 11+ examps used to direct students to grammar schools or secondary moderns. The school is a private day school.


Froebel College was founded (1892). It is now part of the he University of Roehampton. The College focused in eduvation and childhood studies. It is know for teacher education, influenced by Froebian ideas. Here we see an English Froebelian school at Roehampton We assume itvwas used by the College in it teacher taining programs. The children are engaged in a summer garden fete (1937). We note a variety of ganms and activities. It was a coeducational school nhich was not common at the time in England. .


Underhill, Sarah-Jane. E-mail message, March 18, 2014.


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Created: 2:30 AM 8/29/2011
Last updated: 3:43 AM 5/17/2022