* English schools : Lambeth Wesleyan Day School

English Schools: Lambeth Wesleyan Day School

Figure 1.-- This is a portrait of the Lambeth Wesleyan Day School, Group IV in 1905. Notice the boys' Eton collars and the girls' pinafores. The fact tht many boys do not have Eton collars suggests that many of the children came from modest income families.

We do not yet have details on the Wesleyan schools. we note that thecfirst schools were Sunday Schools. The Methodist Coference approved a program of day schools, referred to as ;week day schools'. (1836). The Committee committed to, "Wgat we wisg=h for is nnot mrely schools but Church schools .... Not meerly education, but education which may begin in an infant school and end up in Heaven." The newly created Wesleyan Education Committee emphazized that 'these schools should provide with influences, and restraints of a well regulated and happy Christian family.' The Conference then set up a General Committee of education to promote the opening of schools and establish a place to train teacers (1841). [Best] We begin to notice Parlimebtary paper dealing with Wesleyan day ans sunday schoold vehinning in the 1850s. This began earlier but we note them at least by the 1850s. We note reference to chpels first, but schools by the 1850s. A good example is Briton Hill (1857). and we notice reference to Aambeth Wesylm School (1861). There were several sites in Lambeth. We find a 1848 report on the school. "The Lambeth Chapel Wesleyan Day Schools are large school on the British system, held in good rooms attched to the chapel in China Terrace, which serve lso for its Sunday schools. Both boys' and girl' schools have been conducted for sime time by teachers nof superior ability and energy, and consequently have a full attendabce and high reputation. In the boys' school a number of the head childrenhave received a good English education; but for want of a thorough revisionof the methods a proportional amount of instruction is not being conveyed throughout the body of the school, not even throughout the top class itself. The discipline, for the same reaon, is infrior, notwithstanding the perfect capacity of the master individually to command its movements. At the request of the committee I pointed out the defects, and there is no want of ability in the master to perceive and remedy them. The girls' school was just undergoing change of teachers and temporarily in the management of a young assistant teacher, who had it in perfect control. The good discipline n gentel intlligence prevailing throughout werevery creditable to its lte teacher. But the methods want reviing, to substantiate real labour for some remining degree of self-complcent noisiness in the interrogtory exercises. The newly appointed mistress, whom I found here on the 29th, appears to be entering on her duties with tact and spirit." [Her Majesty's Inspectors]


Best, G.M. "A historical perspctive on Methodist involvement in school education after Wesley".

Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. Committee on Education. Minutes of the Committee of Council on Education Correspondence, Financial Statements, Etc., and Reports Volume 2 (1848).


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Created: 7:56 AM 2/21/2016
Last updated: 7:56 AM 2/21/2016