German Schoolwear: Sailor Suit Chronologies--The 1910s

Figure 1.--This unidentified German primary school photograph shows more than half the boys wearing sailor suits. The boys look go be about 7-8 years old. While we do not know the nane and location of the school, we do know that the portrait was taken in 1918 befoire the ed of the War. Note that there are many differently styled suits.

Sailor suits continued to be very popular for schoolwear in the 1910s. We see some classess where more than hald the boys are wearing sailor suits. It was quite rare to see a class in which at least some of the boys are not wearing sailor caps. And we still see qite a rangeof styling. Traditional styling was becoming more common, bit we still see quite a range of stylistic vasriarion. Of course there were variations from school to school. The community affected dress. Boys in urban middle class areas were most likly to wear sailor suits. Boys in working-class and rural areas some wjhat less likly, nut even in these areas we see quite a few sailor suirs. Age was another factor. The younger boys were most likely to wear sailor suits, but they were still widely worn by boys 12-13 years of age. After this the prevaklence oif sailor suyits drops markedly. We do not yet have much information on the girls. Sailor suits continue to be popular throughout the decade. As far as we can tell, the war had nomimpact on the populrityof the sailor suit.


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Created: February 16, 2004
Last updated: 1:42 AM 3/8/2010