*** United States tunics styles sailor age trends 3 year olds

American Sailor Tunic Age Trends: 3 Year Olds

tunics 3 year old

Figure 1.--Here we see two unidentified American children. The baby is wearing a bonnet and is rather bundled up. The baby's big brother wears a smart summer tinic suit with shoirt sleeves abd bloomer knickers along with a broad-nrimmed hat. He looks to be about 3 years old. The photo was taken by the backyard fence. The snapshot is undated, but would have been taken in the 1900s or 10s.

The age at which tunics were worn has varied over time and from catalog to catalog. This range is confirmed by the photographic records, although they seem most popular for pre-school boys about 3-5 years of age. Beginning about age 3 years we see quite a number of boys wearing variously styled sailor tunics. It was a very popular style for 3 year olds, especially in the early-20th century. Earlier boys this age may have worn other types of skirted garments, but after the turn-of-the-century, the tunic was the only important skirted garment boys were still commonly wearing.


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Created: 8:55 AM 3/21/2018
Last edited: 8:55 AM 3/21/2018