*** United States tunics styles sailor age trends 7 year olds

American Sailor Tunic Age Trends: 7 Year Olds

tunics 7 year olds

Figure 1.--This podtcard bavk portrait shows the kids in an unidentified family by mother's rose bushes. The prtait would have been taken about 1910. The children here look to be about 2 0-7 years of age. The two boys are wearing identicl saikior tunics. They are white tunics without the stripe detailing.

The age range for sailor tunics was a little wider than for tunics suits in general. Sailor tunics were often made in larger sizes than the other tunic styles. The older boys who wore tunics normally had the sailor styles. Much of the photographic record does not indicate the ages of the boys so have to estimate the ages. While this lacks precision, we can not be significantly off. Here we have an aid in that we have school photgraohy. We do not see many boys wearing these tunics to school and only the younger boys. So 7-year olds were near the oldest age for these outfits. There may have been a few 8 years olds, but not very many. Family images can also help identify the ages of the the children. We have found some of the boys in these family images wearing identical tunics. The image here is a good example. This helps set paramtters when the ages of the boys in the portaits are not specified. Sailor tunics were done in many different styles. The ones here do not have any detailing (figure 1).


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Created: 3:24 AM 5/4/2023
Last edited: 3:24 AM 5/4/2023