Unidentified First Communion (Belgium, 1900s)

Figure 1.--We have not yet found many images from the 1900s, like the 19th century. We do have one undated portrait which looks rather like the 1900s. Interestingly he does not wear a formal black suit, but some other medium color. He wears a non-descript knee pants suit worn with black long stockings. Notice the hast. It looks like it my be a fedora. The boy is associated with a family group. He is presumably the father.

We have not yet found many images from the 1900s, like the 19th century. We do have one undated portrait which looks rather like the 1900s. Interestingly he does not wear a formal black suit, but some other medium color. He wears a non-descript knee pants suit worn with black long stockings. It is not a suit that seems to have been purchased only for First Communnion. The boy does wear a rather formal wing collar shirt and white tie. Notice the hast. It looks like it my be a fedora. The boy looks to be about 9 years old. While the portait is unidentified. The boy is associated with a family group. He is presumably the father.


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Created: 10:12 PM 6/7/2011
Last edited: 10:12 PM 6/7/2011