French Boys Coats: Overcoats

Figure 1.--These children are unidentified, but we think that they are French, probably photographed in the 1940s. The boy's overcoat looks rather like a British gaberdine overcoat.

We note French boys wearing overcoats in the mid-20th century. Well dressed French boys from middle class families wore overcoats during the winter through the 1950s. I think it was somewhat of a dressy style. We note boys wearing belted overcoats, rather like the gaberdine coats British boys wore to school. I don't think it was a common school style in France. We know less about the materials used in the French coats. I think these were primarily a post-World War I style, but we don't have any definitive information at this time. They were less common for working class boys. Modern French boys rarely wear overcoats, prefering instead trendy jackets.


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Created: 1:11 AM 10/22/2007
Last updated: 1:11 AM 10/22/2007