German Hosiery Types: The 1920s--Seasonality

Figure 1.--As can be seen here in this 1920s snapshot, even during the Summer some boys wore long stckings. This looks to be the courtyard of a small apartmnt building in a working-class neighborhood.

Seasonality was a factor in the choise of hosiery. It ws not the only factor, bt it certainly was an important fctor. Most German boys in the 1920s wore knee panys or increasingly short pants. They wore these pants year round. Germay is located in central Europe and the winters are quite cold. And most homes were not that well heated so even inside it could be cold. As a result, long stockings were very commonly orn during the inter. We also see knee soks being wrn during the Winter, but long stockings were very common, especially for younger boys. Hosiery was more varied when the weather turned warmer. We still see boys wering three-quater socks, especially for younger boys. Knee socks were more commn in warm weather. Long stockings were still worn by some children. We see long stockings being worn for formal occassions. And some mothers were more insistent about long stockings than others. They were, however, much less common than in the Winter. Some children did not wear hosery in the summer or went barefoot. This seems more common with working-class than middle-class children. We do not note ankle soicks in the 1920s even during the Summer.


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Created: 1:08 AM 2/15/2009
Last updated: 1:08 AM 2/15/2009