German Lace Collar Types: Cut-out/Eylet Lace

Figure 1.--These boys were from Connern on Saale or Gerbstedt? (The photographer had two studios.) They both wear eyelet/cutout lace 1890s. They look to be about 4-6 years of age. Notice the close-cropped hair.

Eyelet or cut out lace was a less expensive alternative that looked somewhat like lace. And it was not that expensive to create the large collsrs fashionable duriung the Fauntleroy era. The German is something like Ösenspitze or Spitze ausgeschnitten. Here holes were cut out of fabric and often embroidered ariund the edges. And unlike true lace it can be easily identified from photographic portraits. We are not yet sure what the German term for this was. We have found only a few examples of boys wearing eyelet lace in Germany. But this may relect that lace in general was not as commonly used for boys clothing in Germany as in most other countries.


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Created: 8:30 PM 1/24/2019
Last updated: 8:30 PM 1/24/2019