* Dutch boys clothes : activities outings

Dutch Boys' Activities: Outings

Figure 1.--Here we see a Dutch mother in 1947 out for a walk with her two children. We are not sure who the other two ladies are, perhaps grandmother and a aunt r neighbor. Note thzt even though it is obvously cold, the little boy wears short pants. He is apily sucking away oin a lolypop. Note thebaby's helmet-type headwear.

We don't have much informatio on Dutch family and individual outings yet. City children might enjoy outings to the local parks. We do not know much about specific Dutch parks, but all major cities surely must have had plesant parks. Hopefully Dutch readers can tell us anout some of the parks that they enjoy. This was very common in Europe. Schools also sometimes used the parks. Younger children enjoyed walks with their parents, often their mothers and grandmothers. Older children might go for hikes or bike rides. Some parks restricted bikes and other play activities. All of the Netherlands is close to the North Sea or various bodies of water such as the Zuider Zee. The Netherlands is very flat, making it ideal for bike trips and outings. Thus sea outings are popular activities, especially sailing. There are also popular beach resorts, although the beches are better to the south in Belgium. The Netherlands is famous for skating, but I think this was more in canals and rivers than actual parks. And the North Sea water can be rater brisk. The Netherlands is a very developed country. Thus there is very little wilderness area available for recreational activities. More is available to the south in Belgium. The Netherlands is very flat, making it ideal for bike trips and outings.


City children might enjoy outings to the local parks. They would be the only green aras available for city children. As far as we know, Dutch parks are almost all urban parks. There are no wilderness areas set aside for national parks. We do not know much about specific Dutch parks, but all major cities surely must have had plesant parks. Hopefully Dutch readers can tell us anout some of the parks that they enjoy. This was very common in Europe. Schools also sometimes used the parks because most city schools had very limited outside play areas. Younger children enjoyed walks with their parents, often their mothers and grandmothers.

Country Outings

Older children might go for hikes or bike rides out in the countryside. Some parks restricted bikes and other play activities. The Netherlands is very flat, making it ideal for bike trips and outings. The Netherlands is a very developed country. Thus there is very little wilderness area available for recreational activities. The country side is very pleasant, but largely developed farms and grazing areas. More is available to the south in Belgium. The Netherlands is very flat, making it ideal for bike trips and outings.


There are also popular beach resorts, although the beches are better to the south in Belgium. The North Sea water can be rather brisk, even on a summer day. There is thus a strong incentive for the Dutch to seek out sunny southern climes for beach vacations.


All of the Netherlands is close to the North Sea or various bodies of water such as the Zuider Zee. Thus sea outings are popular activities, especially sailing.


The Netherlands is famous for skating. Probably a greater percentage of the Dutch peopkle learn to skate than any other country. It was one of the subjects imoratized by Dutch and Flemish artists (16th century). The country is a low lying part of Europe. Thus there are streams, lakes, and canals everywhere, including the cities. Thus where people in some countries may go out for a brisk wintr walk, the Dutch have traditiionally taken off wuith skates. Sometimes it is a family outing. One of the most cherished national image is rosy-cheeked children all wrapped in cozy warm coats with brightly colored wool scarves and stocking caps, of course with pom-poms, hapily skating on frozen canals with snow flakes falling. There are parks where skating takes place, but much if itstakes place on the canals that cut across cities like Ansterdam. Today they are inside rinks where people can skate.


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Created: 11:31 PM 1/1/2009
Last updated: 4:24 PM 6/11/2013