Austrian-Hungarian Empire Czech Lands: Garments--Headwear

Figure 1.--Here we see an unidentified Czech boy anout 1905. He wears a huge broad-brimmed sailor hat. This is a little unusual as the rest of his outfit is rather informal. These broaad-brimmed sailor hats were usually worn with more formal outfits. The portait was a cabinet card with a carasteristiv early-20th century style and lettering. . It was 6.5 by 10.5 cm/ The studio was R. Moc in Smíchov, a suburb of Prague. The printng on the back also said Roh Plzenske, Mozartovy". We are not sure what that meant.

We do not know of any destinctive Czech headwear styles. Like other garmets, much of what we see seems to come Germany and Austria. We notice urban Czech boys wearing the same hadwear styles we see in Vienna and other Autrian cities. Here we are talking about the same niddle-class and well to do boys we see in studio portraits. Sailor sytyles were popular, but as best we can tell not as popular as in Austria and Germany. We do not have a lot of information as our Czech archive is very limited and comes primarily from the 20th century. We do not have any information yet on earlier periods. Nor do we have any information yet on working class children.


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Created: 8:51 AM 3/14/2017
Last updated: 8:52 AM 3/14/2017