Austrian Boys' Garments: Headwear Chronology

Figure 1.-- This is Joseph Vincent Brooke, a Vienna boy in April 1899. He looks to be about 5 years old. He wears a traditional sailor suit with a wide-brimmed sailor hat. The hat is positiond upward to ger a better shot of Joseph's head. This would not have ben how he actually wore it. The studio is Carl Pietzner in Vienna.

We have not yet been able to build a chronology of Austrian headwear styles becuse of our relatively small Austrian archive. Aystria is a small country and thus we have only been able to archive a relatively small number of images, especially dated images. We do have, however, a substantial German archive and we believe that fashions in Austria were very similar, not idential but similar. At this time we know virtually nohing about the 18th century. We know tri-corner hts were worn. This was a pan-European style. We believe, however, that such hats would have been mostly worn by the urban popular=tio in compfortable circumtances. Through most of the century, boys after breeching wore cut fon versions of their father's outfits. We know more bout the 19th century, at lest the secind half of the century with the devlopment of photography. We note middle-class city boys wearing sailor headwear, both hats and caps. Sailor hats seem more popular in the 19th century and at the turn of the century. The boy on the previous page in 1904 wears a sailor hat with a medium brim. Other boys had wide-brimmed sailor hats. The boy hee had his portrait taken in 1899 (figure 1). Sailor caps seem more popular in the early-20th century, bu dissapear after World War II (1939-45). We note boys in rural areas wearing a kind of beanie-like Alpine caps. We also note Alpine hats, also cal Tyrolean hats, worn with Lederhoen and Tracht outfits. We notice these caps in the early-20th century, but believe thaey were also worn in the 19th century. We notice Schirmmütze during the mid-20th century, beginning in the late-1930s. This was also a populat style in Germany. we notice a range of other caps in the 20th century including peaked caps and flat caps. Europe in the second half of the 20th century began to move tosward pan-Eurooean styles. Before then there were destinctive styles throughout German speaking Europe (Germany, Austria, and much of Switzerland).


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Created: 5:17 PM 6/24/2014
Last updated: 5:17 PM 6/24/2014