The Red Army seized control of Lithuania (1940). The new Soviet installed puppet government obediently set about applying the Stalin's orders. Cointrol was in the hands of the NKVD.
and the NKVD pursued a terrifying regime od arrests and deportations. Part of the Soviet plan was to organize the emogration of ethnic Russians into the country. Many of those arrested were shot, others disappeared into the Gulag. As a result, many Lithuanians saw the NAZIs as liberators when they invaded (June 1941). The German crossed the border as past of Operation Barbarossa (June 1941) and began a region of terror of their own. As part of Generalplan Ost, ethic Lithuninns were slated for death, but immediate killing progranms focused in Jews. The Red Army began to retake Poland and Lithuania with Operation Bagearion (July 1944). The Red Army reimposed Soviet rule (1944-45). Stalin resumed Russian emmigration to Lithuania to change the ethnic ballance. The Soviet seizure of Lithuania and the other Baltic states was never recognized by the United States and other Western European countries. After reoccupying the Baltic states, the Soviets implemented a program of sovietization, which involved extensive industrialisation. The Soviets carried out massive deportations of ethnic Lituanians to stamp out all resistance to collectivisation or support of partisans. Baltic partisans, such as the Forest Brothers, continued to resist Soviet rule through armed struggle for several years, but were finally hunted down an executed. The Soviets had previously carried out mass deportations (1940–41), but the second wave of deportations (1944–55) were even larger greater. The effort was even more pronoubced in Latvia and Estionia. [Hiden & Salmon, p. 130.] Some 245,000 Lithuanians were deported, about the number deported from the three Baltic republic. The conditions of the deportations were harsh. Some 20,000 Lithuanians including 5,000 children perished. [International Commission] Considerably more ethnic Lithuanians died after World War II than during it. [Snyder, p. 80-83.] The effort the change the ethnic compositiion of the Baltic states continued even after the death of Stalin, but the forced deportations were disontinued soon after his death. Soviet authorities attempted, but failed to totally suppress Lithuania's national identity. Underground dissident groups were active in the post-Era after Stalin's death when the draconia NKVS operations were suspended. They began publishing periodicals and catholic literature. [Vasiliauskaitė] While the Soviets cointinued to destroy monuments an artifacts of the indeenbdence era, Lithuanians nationalists quitely wiorked to promote national culture, preserved historical memory, instigated patriotism with the idea of a future independence. Here a major break was the Helsiki Accirds (1970s). Dissidents established the Lithuanian Freedom League under Antanas Terleckas. The Helsinki Group demanded that Lithuania's occupation be recognised illegal and the NAZ-Soviet pact be condemned. [Lietuvos Helsinkio grupė] The KGB continued to supress nationalist movenment, but the Helsinki Accords provided a degree of international cover.
Hiden, Johan and Patrick Salmon. The Baltic Nations and Europe (Revised ed.) ( Harlow, England: Longman, 1994).
International Commission For the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania. Deportations of the Population in 1944-1953, paragraph 14.
Lietuvos Helsinkio grupė. (Dokumentai, atsiminimai, laiškai) sudarė V. Petkus, Ž. Račkauskaitė (Uoka: 1999).
Snyder, Timothy. The Reconstruction of Nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569-1999 (Yale University Press: 2003).
Vasiliauskaitė, V. Lietuvos Ir Vidurio Rytų Europos šalių periodinė savivalda, 1972–1989 (2006).
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