* boys' dresses : national styles -- United States America suiting patterns

American Boy Dresses: Specific Patterns--Suit Patterns

Figure 1.-- This cabinet portrait has no studio or other information. The chilkdren look to be about 4-8 years old. We believe the portrait was taken in the 1870s when striped stockings were most common, perhaps the late 70s because of the boy's large lace collar. We believe the younger child is a boy becaause of his facial features, hair cut, and patterned dress. Note the pattern is similar to boys' suits at the time. Also notice the simplicity of his dress and front buttons.

We notice dresses being done in the same patterns as those being used for boys' suiting fabrics. We see many bold patterns. Thius was especially true for kilt suits, but we also see boys wearing dresses with these patterns. Not all boys's suits had these bold patterns, but in the second half of the 19th centyry they were very popular. In many cases the patterns were muted, but bold patterns were very common. This seems to be espcially true in the 1870s and 80s, although we are still assessing suit pattern trends. While common for boys, these patterns were not commonly used for guirl's dresses. This at the time they would have been seen as boy dresses. Girls tend to have fabric without such nold patterns, but commonly fancier decoration. There were as far as we know no written rules on this. But based on the photographix record thet appear to ne conventions that were very commonly followed. It is one more indicator that allow us to assess who nis who in these old photographs where the individuals are not identified.


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Created: 11:50 PM 11/15/2020
Last updated: 11:50 PM 11/15/2020