American Accomplishments: Food Aid Preventing Starvation and Famine--Post-World War II Era

Figure 1.--Greece suffered a terrible famine under German occupation (1941-42). American food aid helpd prevent a second terrible famine. It had to be delivered indirectly. After the German withdrawl (1944), direct shipments were possible. And food aid continued during the susequent Civil War, both Government programs and private efforts like the Greek War Relief Association. The pres caption here read, "American Mule Unites a Greek Family: The story of Alex Milioyos reads like fiction -- when the Nazis entered Greece , Alex took to the hills. His wife was forced into a labor camp at Soutch, Germany. The three children were left stranded without food or clothing. Alex, who returned for his family, found only his children -- his home was robbed , his farm stripped of livestock and tools. Together once again in 1946, Alex with the helpof the mule his father sent via the Greek War Relief Asociation's 'Give An animal' program looks toward the future and peace."

American Food Aid continued after World War II. Again as after World War I Europe was starving. An again America rose to challenge and prevented the deaths of cuntless millions. The War had devestated the Continent. Millions of people were dispalaced without food, shelter,and medical supplies. Transportation systems wre destoyed. Farmers were left with out livestock, seed, fertilizer and equipment. Tbe Germans, Soviets,and other contries. used draft aminals to move artillery and supplies. They had ime from farmers. These amimals were now gone. And farmers, many left without sons, and no draft animals. All of this seriously limited food profuction even aftervthe War. And without a transport system there was no way of getting what ever they transported home. And to make matters worse, Europe was experiencing some of the coldest winters in decades. America this time not only had to feed Europe, but China and other devestated countries as well. At first America food aid flowed to the European and Asin countries that had their economies devestated by Axis military actions and exploitation. This includes Allies and well as Axis countries. The United States offered to continue to aid the soviet Union and the countries seized by the soviets in Eastern Europe. America only insisted that the Soviets not use their military succes over the NZIs to impose Communist dictarorships and police state terror in the countries in which thy had driven out the NAZIs. Stalin aanently refised. Throughout Eastern Eurioe he used the RedArmy and NKVD to supress democratic political parties and install Communist police states. Both the U.S. Government and private chritable groups organized food and other relief efforts.


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Created: 5:52 PM 5/30/2016
Last updated: 5:52 PM 5/30/2016