*** war and social upheaval: World War I displaced children orphanages -- Allied Southern Front

World War I Allied Orphanages: Southern Front

Italian orphans
Figure 1.--We believe that this photograph was taken about 1919-20. We believe the children are Italian refugee children being cared for in a Catholic mission.

The southern front was initially the fighting between Austria and Serbia in the Balkans. The Germans reinforced the Austrians and when the Bulgarians entered the War launched a major offenive (October 1915). They defeated the Serbian Army which, however, did not surrender, but marched over the mountains and was evacuated to Corfu by Allied naval vessels. The Central Powers occpation of Serbia meant that there was no longer a Serbian Army in place to provide humanitarian assistamc. This created great hardshios for dispalced and orphaned choldren who had congregated around Serbian military camps. We have some information on efforts to save Serbian war orphans, at least the ones who managed to reach safty outside of occupied Serbia, The focus in the south than shofted to the Austrian-Italian border. Italy had declared war (May 1915). Greece declared war (June 1917), this reopened a Balkan front. The Allies landed troops along with the Serbian Army that had been evacuated in 1915. Italy entered the War (1915). Most of the Italian front was in the Alps along the northern border, lthough the Germas and Austriand broke through the Italin line at Caopretto (October-November 1917) and entered northern Italy. Thus there were Italian children orphaned and displaced.


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Created: 10:49 PM 11/7/2022
Last updated: 10:49 PM 11/7/2022