Photographs: Tin-type Print Paper Frames

Figure 1.--Tin-types came in paper frames beginning in the 1860s. Here is a paper frame dated 1882. The girl is Efy May Turbull. Put your cursor on the image to see the back of the frame. This frame was more decorative than many we have seen.

The first paper frames we note were for tin types. The first tin-types were done in cases like Dags and Ambros or cheaper versions to look like expensive cases. By the 1860s we begin to see inexpensive paper frames. Tin types during the late 19th century often came in these inexpensive paper frames. Most of the frames were a light color, but we see a few dark-colored frames. Assessing the tin-type paper frames is a little complicated because so few are dated. Very rarely do we find a dated tin-type as the metal could not be enscribed. We do see writing on the paper frames, but not very commonly. And many tin-types no longer have the paper franes. So this will be a difficult topic to develop.


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Created: 12:55 AM 9/19/2008
Last updated: 12:55 AM 9/19/2008