New Style Cabinet Card Mounts: Colors--Olive

Figure 1.--This new-styled cabinet card shows Carylyle age 2 years ahnd Lucille age 4 years. The portrait was taken in August 1906. The studio was Detrich in Altoona, Pennsylvania. It was 5 x 7 inches. Carlyle looks to be wearing a white Buster Brown tunic with a small floppy bow and black long stockings. His sister wears a highly decorated hat and flouncy white dress She holds a parasol.

Some of card stock used for the new style cabinet cards was done in grey shades have a greenish or less commonly a bluish look to them, so we might add green or more like olive to the list. We see olive shades being used for the new style cabinet cards that appear at the turn-of-the 20th century. This was not a color that was used on the traditional cabinet cards popular before the turn-of-the century. It was very common for the new style of cabinet cards. Olive does not seem like a very attractive color for these mounts. It has a rather dreary look tiday, but apparentlt that was not how people at the time saw it. We are not sure why olive became so popular. Note that the print here has an olive tint matching the card matte. Perhaps that was a factor. Most of the examples we have found come from the 1900s. The prtrait here from 1906 is a good example (figure 1). Olive seems less popular in the 1910s. And we do not see olive being used in the paper frames that became popular in the 1920s.


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Created: 9:28 PM 12/13/2010
Last updated: 9:29 PM 12/13/2010