* English school uniform garments -- shirts styles detachable collars prevalence

English School Shirt Collars: Detachable Collars--Prevalence

Figure 1.--Here we see an unidentified Pudsey school, we believe in the 1890s. The school did not require the boys to wear a uniform suit. Theyall hadv to wear a suit with knickers, but there was no reqired jacket style. There was a requited cap and Eton collar. Note the variatioms in the Eton collars. The boys look to be about 9 years old.

School shirts and blouses were worn with both with detachable and attached collars. The Eton collar was the best known detacheable collar and wasstrongly asociate with schoolwear. It appeared decades before photography was inventedm but dominted school portraits for several decades wn the school portait became a school tradition. At school, presumably because of the influence of the public (private boarding) schools, it was the Eton collar that became the standard for boys. Eton collars were required at many private schools. We see whole classes wearing them. Ecen schools with very loose unforrm requirements. They were also worn at many state schools which seems to be the case here om the previous page (figure 1). This can easily be followed in the photographuc record. We see whole classes sporting gleaming Eton collars. The basic Eton collar was a school stapel for several decades. It does not look to have been a very comfortable style. The large stiff collar, in fact, looks decidedly uncomfortable. But compfort was not a factor in its orevalence--it was adopted for its appearance. The boys were clearly not consulted. The influence of boys on fashiom did not become an important bfactor until well into the 20th century. And despite the fact it was not very confortable, it was widely worn for half a century.


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Created: 9:05 AM 3/5/2020
Last updated: 9:05 AM 3/5/2020